Service cancellation


Cancelling of your membership with iCOSS Technology can be done at any time that you wish. In case you are unhappy with our services, feel free to contact us to talk about your experience. Here at iCOSS we try to provide you our best services so that we may be able to keep you satisfied. Just call us anytime and our customer service team will guide you through the process.Call 1-(800)643-9773 toll-free to contact customer service.

Feel free to contact us for any queries you may have. Some frequently asked questions about our refunds and cancellations policies are listed below:

Ques 1. Can I downgrade my membership?

Ans: Absolutely, it is your decision entirely. In case you feel that an alternative plan with a lower service level suits your needs, you can just call us and downgrade your services at anytime.

Ques 2. Can I change the due date for my billing cycle?

Ans: We would be happy to adjust your billing cycle as per your requirement, just call us and let us know your preferred date of billing.

Ques 3. I’m cancelling because I’m on vacation/ traveling or not using your services.

Ans: Just freeze your membership with iCOSS Technology Inc. instead of cancelling as in the earlier scenario and enjoy continued services when you get your account unfrozen. Just give us a call at 1800-643-9773.

Ques 4. I can’t pay for my service.

Ans: If you are unable to meet your monthly subscription, call us and speak with one of our agents. We want to help you find a suitable service level that you are comfortable with and are able to afford. Its best to go through all the options such as downgrading or freezing before cancelling your services.

Ques 5. Is there a cancellation fee and how do I cancel my services?

Ans: We have a standard cancellation fee of $50 If you are cancelling the service in next 5 days. Just call us at 1800-643-9773 toll-free anytime to talk to a customer care executive or mail us at with your name and phone number as well as your cancellation request along with a time that you can be reached at via the telephone and we will get in touch with you.

It is IMPORTANT that you speak with a customer care executive regarding your cancellation and not send emails to any other email address or leave a comment on our blog as only once you have spoken to a customer care executive your subscription be cancelled.

Ques 6. Can I cancel my service agreement on behalf of my family member?

Ans: We would require explicit instructions from the parent member to go through any request of cancellation. Power of attorney can be provided via email, while expressed consent can be provided verbally over the phone. This is a necessary precaution to protect the legal rights of the member and of the company.

Ques 7. I want to cancel because I never asked iCOSS Technology to contact me in the first place.

Ans: We do not place cold calls. The only way that a membership with us can be started is if you have contacted iCOSS Technology and we will never begin a membership without your expressed consent.

Ques 8. I paid for 3 months service agreement but want to cancel now?

Ans: In case you want to cancel a membership but have some months of service left over, we can issue a refund on a prorated basis. This simply means that after a deduction of the months that you have had the service agreement, we will refund the remainder amount.

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